Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Yes, Here I am.

"Then God said, "Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about."
3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4 On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5 He said to his servants, "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you." - Genesis 22:2-5

We all know this story but I think the best thing about the Bible is that it speaks to you with the same stories and same words in so many different ways. You can read it over and over again and its always a different conviction that comes through. Lately my minds been foggy and everything so routine. My conviction to read the word and to pray was slowly dying out and I found myself enjoying TV and wine more than I did God's word. But reading this short passage today God reminded me of something. Following Christ is not so complicated. Sometimes, its easy as saying the three letter word "Yes".

In this passage you see such a simple act of obedience to such a mind boggling request. God asks Abraham to go up to the mountain and sacrifice his one and only son. The promised child from God. The child that is to bear Abraham decendants more numerous than the stars and sands on the beach. If it was me I would yell at God and ask him if he was crazy. Tell him it doesn't make any sense and that its the most retarded thing I've ever heard. But Abraham, maybe this is why he is called the father of faith, just wakes up next morning packs his donkey and brings his Son to sacrifice. There is no arguement. There is no yelling. There is no question for logic or reason. There is just obedience.

I am an arguer. There is no question about it. I'm a fighter. If something isn't right I will fight for justice. If something is wrong I will fight for righteousness. If something is unfair I will fight for equality. If something doesn't make sense I will fight for logic and reason. My parents always said if I studied at all when I was younger I shouldve been a lawyer. Too bad I didn't study...eff. But through this passage I realize something...why do I fight so much? Why do I argue and want an answer? I believe its pride. Sometimes...people make mistakes. Sometimes God asks us to do ridiculous things. Sometimes there is no known reason. Why does there have to be? God is in control. God promises us that the yoke is light and that He is the great I AM. That to love our enemies because it will be Him who brings justice.

I want to be able to just say, "Yes. Here I am". Instead of "No, whats the reason for this. This doesn't make sense. Explain to me the purpose of this." It's just so much easier to trust God and let him show me His glory. God...give me peace and wisdom, Here I am.


  1. werd.
    the bible is the same story with the same stories but speaks to us in different ways.

    wow. yeah i remember tim keller saying that when people complained about his sermon being repetitive, hes like...its not me..its ..the bible. haha. but still, when our eyes are opened the "same story" or the gospel of the bible cuts through and through again.

    awesome! thanks for sharing!

  2. seems so crazy to have faith like Abraham did.
    I think we should always listen to what God is telling or instructing us to do, but I think he enjoys it when we do struggle with him at times too. it shows that we care about what we're doing and that we're not just blindly following. I would think its situation dependant
